Friday, November 21, 2008

Texas Roadhouse

(Although I rate Atmosphere, Service, Pricing, and Steak, only the Steak rating is used to rank the restaurants in the Guide)

Atmosphere: 3/5  Casual & kid friendly.  More lively (and noisy) that the typical "chain restaurant" atmosphere - as long as you know that going in, no problem.
Service: 4/5  Our server did a fine job.  There was a slight problem getting seated - their system for seating is to give you a numbered slip of paper and then display that number on an electronic board on the wall when your table is ready.  We had four adults and one child keeping an eye on the board, and after about half an hour we checked back with the front desk and were semi-rudely told that we must have missed it when they showed our number.  With five of us watching for it, I highly doubt that, but anyway, simply saying, "Sorry about that, we'll get you seated right away," would have been so hard?
Pricing: $  Resonable prices; steaks come with side orders.
Steak: 3/5  I had the 12 oz "Ft. Worth" Ribeye, medium rare.  I selected the steak from their display case - when you pick out a steak, they mark it and give you a ticket to give your server when you order.  Based on the marbling of the meat on display, they appear to use Select beef for the Ribeyes. The seasoning was good and the meat was flavorful.  It was cooked more on the medium side (rather than medium rare), so it might not have been as juicy as it could have been.
Bottom Line:  This was good (not great) steak.

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